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Textmetrics has helped numerous companies across the globe reach new heights in quality and consistency. But don’t take our word for it, instead, read the stories of our world-wide customers.

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Text that reads vattenfall followed by a colored circle. The top half of the circle is yellow, the bottom half is blue.

Marketing & Content

Vattenfall took their email and website game to the next level with Textmetrics

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nationale Nederlanden logo

Marketing & Content

Thanks to Textmetrics technology, Nationale-Nederlanden achieved a B1 level of readability with effortless ease

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Recruitment & Staffing

With Textmetrics, Arcadis saw a 10% increase in female applicants

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Recruitment & Staffing

Randstad increased their conversions by double digits using Textmetrics technology

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Recruitment & Staffing

Werkspot is all about working smarter – they use Textmetrics to crank up their service requests and content creation

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Recruitment & Staffing

Accenture uses Textmetrics to increase their conversions for corporate communications and for job openings

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Ready to take your content game to the next level?

With Textmetrics, you too can achieve amazing results with your written content, regardless of whether it’s created by AI, a copywriter, or yourself. Check out these results that have been achieved by others who’ve already tapped into the power of Textmetrics.


More female applicants


Productivity increase


Higher conversion


More applicants