The future of recruitment is here!

Experience the power of our cutting-edge recruitment solution, the Job Description Generator, that provides:

  • First time right job ads
  • Fast, accurate, and error-free
  • Your tone of voice, brand identity, and diversity and inclusion (D&I) objectives

Uncover a recruitment process like never before – one that revolves around your needs. Embrace the future of hiring by giving our Job Description Generator a try.

The software

With our advanced technology, you can say farewell to the frustrating and time-consuming process of multiple revisions. Our solution ensures that every job ad you create is accurate, error-free, and tailored to perfection, right from the very first draft.

How it works

With the Job Ad Generator, you don’t need to be a tech wizard or spend hours learning complex software. Our user-friendly interface is crafted with simplicity in mind, allowing recruiters of all skill levels to navigate and utilize its powerful features effortlessly.

Combining content generation & optimization

With our AI-powered Job Ad Generator, you can effortlessly create customized job postings in just a few simple steps. Leveraging the advanced language capabilities of OpenAI and Textmetrics, recruiters like you can easily craft engaging and compelling vacancies that accurately reflect your company’s values, culture, and desired characteristics. Say goodbye to hassles – this is safe content generation made easy!

Transforming ideas into reality

With just a few clicks, you can select the position you are looking to fill and choose the elements for generating content. Additionally, you can upload your own standardized texts to include in the generated job ad. Our Smart AI Writing Software creates job postings by incorporating skills, tasks, and benefits based on the selected job position.

Generated content that remains human

We recognize the significance of diversity and inclusion in today’s workforce. Our solution guarantees that your organization’s D&I objectives will be met as it incorporates inclusive language and promotes equal opportunities. By doing so, you can attract a diverse pool of candidates who will feel valued and represented.

9 tips to humanize an AI text

By Kyrill Poelmans | October 20, 2023

The difference between ChatGPT and Textmetrics’ Job Ad Generator

By Kyrill Poelmans | August 17, 2023

Push and pull factors: How to use job motivators

By Kyrill Poelmans | July 12, 2023

Want to try the Job Ad Generator?

Get started with Textmetrics today and unlock the potential of AI-driven recruitment!

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