Leontien Rutenfrans

Marketing Manager Textmetrics
July 28, 2022

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What is gender bias in the workplace?

Bias comes in many forms and can cause us to form prejudices against others. One of the biases we often see in the workplace is gender bias. It’s the tendency to prefer one gender over another. Often, it’s men that are preferred over women. This preference is not one we intentionally hold. Most of the time, we are not even aware of gender bias. We unconsciously attribute certain attitudes and stereotypes to a gender. For example, we might think that men are stronger and have better analytical skills. While women are more caring and better at expressing themselves. These prejudices can lead to inequality in the workplace. This is the last thing you want if you strive to be a diverse and inclusive company.


Examples of gender bias in the workplace

Gender bias is most prominently visible within the workplace. Here are some examples of gender bias manifesting itself in the professional field:

  • Recruitment strategies are biased

Both male and female recruiters are twice as likely to hire men. They also invite men to job interviews more often. Even if they receive applications from equally qualified women. Recruiters are also more likely to ask women about parental responsibilities, while male candidates rarely receive these questions.

  • The gender pay gap

In many countries and companies, it is still very common for women to get paid less than men. Even if they do the exact same job. Women are also less likely to obtain upper-level roles. The glass ceiling is still very hard to break through.

  • Women are interrupted more than men

In meetings and conversations, men interrupt women more than they do men. As a result, women are more likely to be dismissed. What women have to say may not be amplified as well as what men have to say.

  • Job descriptions are biased

Even job descriptions are the victim of unconscious gender bias. The language used in job descriptions often appeals more to men than it does to women. Words like confident, decisive, strong and outspoken can discourage women from applying. They don’t recognize themselves in what is being asked for, while men do.


Use Textmetrics to overcome gender bias in the workplace

Gender bias has no place in the workplace. Especially not when you wish to become more diverse and inclusive. Or when you have ambitious diversity and inclusion goals to reach. Textmetrics can help you take the first steps to overcome gender bias in the workplace. You can use our platform to eliminate bias from your job descriptions. The platform analyzes your content and gives you suggestions for a more gender-neutral tone of voice. And it gives you options for words that appeal to both men and women. You’ll end up with job ads that appeal to both genders. It’s an important first step towards hiring more women and having a more diverse workforce.

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