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The importance of consistent content

Content is king, right? Perhaps that’s a bit too simplistic. Content is really only king when it helps you grow your brand. You can create an incredible amount of content, but it won’t do you much good if it’s not advancing your brand. To really create impact with your content, there’s another important factor to keep in mind: consistency. Do you want to create engaging content that truly impacts your brand? Then you must create consistent content. In this blog post, we’ll outline what that means and why it’s so important.

What is consistent content?

It’s important to be consistent in what you share, how you share it, and when. Quality and frequency are key when it comes to consistent content. Your content must be of consistent quality; better than that of your competitors. Just consider how much content you encounter all day long, on Google, on social media. Then you’ll understand that your content must be of high quality in order to stand out. Whenever you’re creating new content, always ask yourself the following question: is the content attractive enough? If the answer is no, there’s more work to be done.

You should also be creating new content at a consistent frequency. Each day, we have so much content to process that it’s impossible to recall what we read a few months ago. In many cases, we can’t even remember what we’ve seen over the course of the past month.

Of course, it’s still possible to rank highly in Google searches with older content, but only if you’re frequently posting new content. Google is a huge fan of new content. The search engine considers it a sign that your website is up to date and that the information listed on it is relevant. The reward you’ll get from Google? A higher position for your website in search results.

Why is consistent content so important?

Consistent content is qualitative content that is posted frequently. The content is attractive and more interesting than what your competition is sharing. And the posting frequency will prompt Google to reward you with a higher place in search results.

But there are more reasons why consistent content is essential to your brand:

  • It creates authority and trust. Websites with a lot of new and high-quality content are assigned a higher domain authority than websites who don’t have the same. Additionally, consistent content builds trust with your potential customers. By frequently creating qualitative content, your brand will become known as an expert in its field.
  • It creates brand recognition. Only high-quality content will allow you to reach a large target audience online. It strengthens your brand image and grows your brand. Long term, it influences the behaviors and the brand experience of your potential customers.
  • It creates more leads. Are you consistently creating qualitative content? Then you’ll increase the chances of reaching potential customers. Highly read blogs and email newsletters can generate leads you never would have reached otherwise. Consistent content is a tool for lead generation that should not be underestimated.
  • It creates a better position in search results. The rules of SEO are constantly changing, but consistent content has long been a great way to improve your Google ranking. The quality and frequency of your content tell Google a lot about your website’s relevance when it comes to certain keywords and search terms. And the more relevant your content is to a search query, the higher your website will rank in Google search results.
  • It leads to more visitors. Customers who trust your brand, more brand recognition, and a better position in search results: altogether it all leads more people to your website. The greatest thing about consistent content? Once you’re known for creating high-quality content, visitors will come to your website first whenever they’re looking for information about your field of expertise.

How do you make sure your content is consistent?

By frequently creating content of excellent quality. That can be done in a few different ways.

For example:

  • With a biweekly blog,
  • email newsletters, and
  • actively sharing content on social media.

In all your enthusiasm, don’t forget the part about “high-quality content.” That means you need to research your audience. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do they want to read?
  • What do they want to know more about?
  • Are you already measuring how well your content is performing?
  • Is it possible to reach a larger audience?
  • Does your content influence your audience’s behavior and brand experience?

Once you have clear answers to these questions, you’ll be one step closer to consistent, qualitative content.

Textmetrics as a tool

Before you get started, formulate a content strategy. That lets everyone within your organization know that content isn’t just an afterthought. You won’t be publishing randomly, rather you take your content seriously and want everyone within the organization to do the same. Create a style guide and highlight the ways you wish to communicate about your brand. When it comes to Textmetrics, we have practical tools that can serve as a support for everyone in your organization who creates text content. From now on consistent content is king: engaging content that creates an impact on your brand and brand experience.

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