August 12, 2020

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The future of AI in the recruitment industry

The future of AI in the recruitment industry 

Many companies struggle to find the right candidates. For certain jobs, there just aren’t enough qualified people out there, and it seems to be difficult to find good candidates unless they are actively looking for a new job. Some companies may also have difficulty appealing to the right audience with their vacancies and some vacancies might not be easy to find online. It also proves to be a challenge not to exclude certain candidates, despite the good intentions recruiters have.

In the ongoing battle for talent, artificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role. More and more companies discover that AI can make the recruitment process smarter and more efficient. But what are the benefits of implementing AI in the recruitment industry? And how exactly does it work? We are happy to tell you more and give you some insights on how AI can be used to find the best candidates.

AI in the recruitment industry

There are various ways in which you can use AI in the recruitment industry.

To select the right candidate

You can use AI to predict if a candidate would be a good fit for the job you are offering. For this, you need the data of candidates, and as a company, you must determine which data you select. Based on this data, an algorithm tries to calculate which factors are predictors of success for the job you are offering and which candidates score well on those factors, making them suitable candidates for the job.

To find candidates who are not actively looking for a new job

AI analyses data sources like LinkedIn to find out how long potential candidates have worked at their current job, when they were last promoted, and how well the company they work for is doing. Based on this information, you get a list of candidates who are most likely to be interested in a job at your company, after which you can actively approach them.

For writing better vacancies

AI is also a very good tool for improving the content of your job vacancies, so you get more responses. You use an algorithm to write vacancies that appeal to the right audience, do not contain unnecessary or confusing jargon and do not exclude certain audiences, such as people with low literacy or candidates of a certain gender. In addition, AI helps you write vacancies that are easier to find on Google, so they reach more candidates.

Four advantages of AI in the recruitment industry

There are several benefits of using AI in the recruitment process:

It contributes to the productivity of the recruitment department

Writing content for vacancies, recruiting candidates, selecting candidates and job interviews; these tasks all ask a lot of your time. And there is so much more to do in a recruitment department. AI can take a lot of work off your hands. It takes less time to write vacancies, as does recruiting and screening candidates. You will receive more valuable responses to the vacancies you post and you will know more quickly whether a candidate has what it takes or not. This increases the productivity of the department and leaves more time for other important activities.

It increases diversity within the organisation

Many companies want a diverse workforce but find this difficult to achieve. AI can help increase the diversity and inclusiveness of your organisation. It all starts with the vacancies. Without realising it, many vacancies exclude certain groups of people. Think of people with low literacy and people of a certain gender. Algorithms can analyse whether vacancies appeal to all audiences. Even during the selection of candidates, it sometimes proves difficult for recruiters to assess candidates objectively and without prejudice. That human prejudice, which recruiters certainly do not purposely have, can be drastically reduced with the help of AI. When recruiters assess candidates based on data, emotions no longer have an influence.

A better match between the candidate and the organisation

AI can identify factors for success for a certain position and use that to screen candidates. By analysing data on candidates, AI can determine which candidates score well on those factors and will therefore be a good fit for the job. You determine the success factors based on current, successful employees. Candidates who have the same characteristics are likely to perform just as well in the same position. The better candidates score on these factors, the better the match between the candidate and your organisation.

More value from available data

By using AI, there are more options for screening candidates. You can analyse more data on the candidate than the information provided by the candidate. Nowadays, you can find a lot about your candidates online. Just think of social media, such as LinkedIn profiles. There is a wealth of extra data on each candidate that you can analyse. This gives you even more information to determine whether that person is a good fit or not.

AI is the future

At Textmetrics, we believe that more and more companies understand that AI can make their recruitment process smarter and more efficient. And that a future without AI in the recruitment industry is actually unthinkable. That’s why we offer AI-driven tools that help you write vacancies that appeal to the right audience and don’t exclude groups of people.  


Are you ready to implement AI in your recruitment department? Textmetrics is here to help! Get in touch to find out more.


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