December 30, 2021

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The benefits of an augmented writing platform in recruitment

An augmented writing platform is a technology that is on the rise. It can best be described as a technology that serves as a writing coach. In recruitment, an augmented writing platform is your virtual assistant when writing job descriptions. Because without realizing it, you could probably do with a little help. Especially, if your company has ambitious diversity and inclusion goals. Is this true for your company? Then your job descriptions need to appeal to as many people as possible from a range of different backgrounds. And that’s not as easy as it sounds. Discover here how an augmented writing platform can help. And what the other benefits of this platform are.


The benefits of an augmented writing platform in recruitment

1. Remove bias from the recruitment process

Recruiters hire people based on data, but also on feelings. Some bias will always creep in. Even if you try your best to prevent it. Your job descriptions might unintentionally have a more masculine tone of voice. Or they might discourage older people from applying. You can use an augmented writing platform to spot these biases when writing. You’ll know where to adjust your job description to make it appeal to people of all genders and ages.


2. Attract the right candidate for the job

Of course, you want to receive as many applications as possible. But only if these are from candidates who fit the job description. Because reading through them takes time. And you don’t want to waste that on unqualified candidates. An augmented writing platform can help you write a job description that clearly describes what you’re looking for. One that everyone can understand because you use language level B1. Generally, mismatches happen when the job description is of poor quality.


3. Save time

Recruitment processes often take quite some time. So, the more time you can save, the better. Especially because you can lose good candidates to competitors if you act too slowly. An augmented writing platform can speed up the process. You’ll need less time to write a good job description. And a good job description will get more responses from qualified candidates. So, you can invite them for an interview faster as well.


The Textmetrics platform – the augmented writing platform

You can use an augmented writing platform to write better job ads. At Textmetrics, we offer an augmented writing platform that you can use to write better job descriptions. Your job posts will have a more gender-neutral tone of voice and will use less jargon. And they will be free of any bias. We’d love to tell you more about how you can benefit from the Textmetrics augmented writing platform.

Want to try Textmetrics? Click here for a free trial!

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