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Textmetrics launches WordPress plugin

Textmetrics WordPress plugin available now!

At the start of may 2016 Textmetrics has launched a WordPress plugin. The plugin enables WordPress users to apply the Textmetrics SEO suggestions directly in their Content Management System, while writing new web content. Both keyword analyses and the live SEO optimization suggestions are integrated in the plugin. The plugin is free and available via

Kyrill Poelmans, CEO of Textmetrics, about the development of the plugin: “a lot of users had the need for a integration with their content management system. When the first version of the plugin was available, a small group of Textmetrics users performed a beta test. The feedback the group provided was processed in the final version.”. In the first days after launch the plugin had been downloaded 100 times.

Download wordpress plugin

Users can download the WordPress Textmetrics plugin via this link.

Using Drupal? Here you can find more information about our Drupal module / plugin

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