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Textmetrics launches Adobe Experience Manager plugin

Our new AEM CMS plugin allows you to use the Textmetrics content analysis and suggestions directly in your Adobe Experience Manager CMS. The plugin supports our one-of-a-kind content quality analysis and our advanced SEO analysis that will assist you in achieving your online KPI such as boosting your search engine ranking and reaching your desired target group.

About Textmetrics

Textmetrics gives you full control of a brand new and underestimated asset: text!

Our passion is to create innovations that increase business potential. We found new metrics and created AI algorithms that can analyze all your text, determine where value can be added and increase text value through our augmented writing support. This added value is evaluated and the algorithms keep reconfiguring to make sure that your target audience receives the best content. Content is of high quality, on brand, without spelling errors and Textmetrics makes sure your online content is SEO friendly. Make sure your content  matches the language of your target audience in terms of readability (B1 level), tone of voice, sentiment and several other important aspects. Resulting in more traffic and higher conversion on your site.

Textmetrics integrations

Textmetrics has several other plugins available for popular CMS’s, such as WordPress, Sitecore, Craft, Umbraco, as well as Microsoft Word and Outlook. More information can be found on the Textmetrics plugins page.


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We are committed to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and data. We make every effort to ensure that all data assets are fully protected, following applicable laws, regulations and industry best practices.

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