November 5, 2021

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SEO in job descriptions: it’s easier than you think

Your job descriptions need to be viewed by as many potential candidates as possible. You want the very best candidates to apply. Including people of different backgrounds, genders and ages. That is the only way to become a more diverse company. But how do you bring your job posting to the attention of the masses? SEO—or search engine optimization—is the answer. Using SEO in your job descriptions makes them easy to find in search engines like Google and Bing. And contrary to what you might think, it’s really not that difficult to optimize your job postings for SEO.


3 steps for SEO in job descriptions

Optimizing your job descriptions for SEO is as easy as following the three steps below.

1. Keyword research

SEO always begins with keyword research. For job ads, you need to find out what job titles candidates in your target group search for. That’s your keyword and the one you need to use in your job description. Even if it means that you have to change the current job title.

2. Use your keyword throughout the job description

You need to use the keyword you found in step one in the most important places in your job description. These are the URL, the page title and the meta description. And you need to use it a few times throughout the job ad. Important places are the first paragraph and one header.

3. Optimize for mobile

A lot of people use their mobile to search for jobs online. So, you need to optimize your job postings for mobile. Your job ads need to function correctly on a small screen. People need to be able to read the text and view the images. And it would be great if they could upload their application from their phone.


SEO in job descriptions and Textmetrics

The Textmetrics platform is really step four in optimizing your job descriptions. It’s a SEO tool to optimize your job ads for SEO. The platform has a special recruitment module for SEO in job descriptions for this. You can also use it to write job descriptions that don’t exclude anyone, but include the right job motivators. And job ads that are perfect for Google for Jobs. You’ll end up with job descriptions that are easy to find online. Just what you need to attract a diverse group of talented candidates.

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