Leontien Rutenfrans

Marketing Manager Textmetrics
September 3, 2021

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SEO in job descriptions: how to optimize for Google for Jobs

Most people who are looking for a job start their search online. Are you looking for new employees? Then your job ads need to be easy to find online. It’s the only way to reach your whole target group. And actively work toward reaching your company’s diversity and inclusion goals. What you’ll need to achieve this is an effective SEO strategy. Or SEO in job descriptions. Because that will help you reach two important goals: 

  • More traffic to your job pages. 
  • Being ready for Google for Jobs. 

There is no point in writing great job ads if potential candidates can’t find them. But how do you make sure the SEO of your job descriptions is what it should be? And how do you optimize for Google for Jobs? We’ll give you three tips! 

#1. Use the right keywords

Think about the keywords potential candidates will search for when looking for a job like yours. Then use a keyword evaluation tool to see what the search volumes are. Choose a keyword combination that isn’t too complex and makes the most sense for the job. For SEO in job descriptions, it is also wise to add the location to the keyword. People often add a city or region when they search for a job. Also remember to mention your keyword in the page title, meta description and URL.

#2. Keep it simple

Always keep it simple in job ads—both for the readers and for Google for Jobs. Google likes job ads with a clear and simple title. And so do job readers! Your job descriptions should also be clear, descriptive and accurate. Keyword stuffing is not helpful, so that should be avoided. Two to three mentions per keyword, with some variation, is enough. 

#3. Offer valuable content 

SEO in job descriptions is about more than keywords. The content you write should be valuable to readers. Because the time candidates spend on your website’s job page influences your ranking on Google for Jobs. Valuable content is content that readers want to read. This is important because Google for Jobs only shows the first part of your job ads. Readers have to click on “Read more” to see it in full. The more readers who do so, the higher your ranking. 

Textmetrics and SEO in job descriptions

The Textmetrics platform has a special recruitment module for SEO in job descriptions. It helps you write job ads that:

  • Include the right job motivators. 
  • Don’t exclude groups or individuals.
  • Are perfect for Google for Jobs.
  • Are optimized for SEO. 

You’ll end up with job descriptions that are easy to find online. Just what you need to reach the right candidates.

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