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Textmetrics Runner-up #2: Founded In Holland Summer Startup Awards 2015

Founded In Holland Summer Startup Awards 2015!

One month ago, our hard work paid off with a nomination for the Founded In Holland Summer Startup Awards 2015 and we’re proud to announce that this nomination

paid off! We’ve fought till the end and this fight paid off with some nice results; with 14% off the votes, Textmetrics finished second in this competition!


On behalf of the whole Textmetrics-team, we wanted

to thank you for your support and votes!


Thanks for this mental reward, we feel honored that we’ve been chosen as one of the best Startups from the Netherlands at this moment!

We’ll continue to grow and we’ll do our best to meet your expectations in the best way we can!

FoundedHolland - finalscore


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Happy to meet you at our next event!

At Textmetrics, we love to participate in various events and special occasions actively. We are often present and eager to make new connections and share experiences. We look forward to welcoming you to the upcoming events we will be partcipating in.

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