December 8, 2023

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Our recruitment predictions for 2024

At the cusp of the new year, you’re probably expecting predictions. You might even have predicted them already. You’re right. We have predictions and emerging trends for 2024. Will there be completely new developments that will drastically affect the recruitment industry or will the developments build on where we are now? Probably the latter, but in theory anything could happen: we simply cannot know what we don’t know.


Anyway – here are some trends we do predict with a high level of certainty. Mull over those ideas, so you can prepare yourself accordingly for even more recruiting success in the new year.


1. Working together with AI

Who could have predicted only three years ago how much impact AI and AI-writers like ChatGPT would have from the end of 2022? And yet here we are: with AI at our fingertips. Hopefully you’ve already experienced the advantages AI brings in recruiting. AI can assist in screening resumes, preparing interviews and giving you tips on how and where to look for new candidates. Working together with AI will become standard and save you time and money.

One point of caution on AI: never forget about protecting personal data and the intellectual property of your company. An open AI-system might look very alluring, but as a company you are accountable for a breach of the GDPR and you expose yourself to other online risks. It is therefore safer to choose a software that implements AI in a more protected environment.


2. Recruiting and facilitating Gen Z

People born between1997 and 2012 are entering the workforce now. This online generation is voicing some serious concerns for the very first time: How can you still have friends and a social life if you work and commute all day? This legitimate question has to be addressed at the workplace: flexibility to work remote, purpose at work and a sense of community and belonging. What can your company do to facilitate this generation? Brainstorm with your colleagues or with AI.


3. Opportunity equity – not optional

Opportunity has to be equal for everyone, disregarding ethnicity, age, gender, (dis)abilities or other personal attributes. Do not consider this an option: a new EU law will come into place in 2026 where transparency on all criteria regarding payment range and career progression will be required. Start discussing these topics with colleagues in HR and the legal department and make a special page on the company website. Added bonus: this will be appreciated by Gen Z and attract a more diverse workforce.


4. Caring about mental health

Take care of the well-being of your employees to avoid exhaustion and too much work stress. Facilitate a yoga class or gym or have a massage therapist coming to the work floor. Plants at the workplace, a nearby park or a greenhouse will also relieve a lot of tension. Put a poll on your website and social media to ask employees and candidates what they would prefer. A healthy workforce will be more productive and stay longer.


There is future in recruiting

Recruiting is always thinking one step ahead. You always have to predict and prepare for the future. Embrace 2024 and your own unique human qualities as well.
To work with AI, it’s best to choose a software that is safe and smart: try the Textmetrics Job Description Generator to attract the best candidates in the new year!

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