Leontien Rutenfrans

Marketing Manager Textmetrics
August 5, 2022

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Let’s talk about the B in DEIB

For quite some years now, companies have put a lot of effort into building a diverse, engaged and successful workforce. A place where everyone feels welcomed and heard. Diversity and inclusion goals play an important role here. But just focusing on diversity and inclusion is not enough anymore. To create a workplace culture that welcomes everyone and attracts talent, you’ll need a DEIB program. DEIB is short for diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. The last one, belonging, deserves some extra attention. But why does belonging matters so much in the workplace? And why is now the time to add it to your strategy? You can find out here.


What does belonging mean?

Belonging is all about inviting people to be themselves at all times. They shouldn’t need to behave differently or be a different person when at work. Instead, people should be encouraged to feel comfortable in their own skin. They must feel safe enough to bring their own ideas to the table. Because it’s the ideas and talents of a variety of people that companies benefit from. DEIB efforts are not just aimed at including everyone. They are also meant to increase company performance, innovation, and revenue.


Why does belonging matter in the workplace?

Belonging is an essential part of a DEIB strategy. A strong sense of belonging means people feel genuinely welcomed to participate. When people feel accepted and part of something, they are more willing to support one another. And to support the goals of the organization. Employee satisfaction will go up when people truly feel like they belong. This is important for retaining employees and for attracting new talent as well. Once potential candidates learn how happy current employees are, it’s more likely that they want to work for you. In times like these, when staff is scarce, this is more important than ever.


Textmetrics and DEIB

At Textmetrics, we offer a platform you can use for your DEIB program. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that empower you to improve all written communication. You can use it for writing content that appeals to everyone in the organization. That’s important if you want to create a culture of true belonging. And if you wish to benefit from all the advantages that has to offer.

Want to try Textmetrics? Click here for a free trial!

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