Koen Brummelhuis

Customer Success Manager
November 30, 2024

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Job Ads Writing – What Companies Often Forget

What many companies forget when writing job ads

Writing job ads may seem simple, but it doesn’t always yield the desired result: the right candidate in the right place. Of course, recruitment involves market factors you can’t change, but a good job ad can really make a difference. So, don’t settle for just a good job ad—go a step further and write an outstanding one. Below, we reveal 7 secrets about what many companies forget when writing job ads.


The Importance of a Strong Job Ad

Je vacaturetekst is vaak het allereerste wat een kandidaat van je ziet. De tekst moet dus indruk maken, maar ook de juiste mensen aantrekken. Present your company in a positive yet realistic way. Be clear, avoid excessive jargon, focus on the candidate, and use the following tips:


1. Make Room for Your Company Culture

Candidates are looking for an organization where they feel at home. Company culture is therefore important. Highlight your company’s core values and what makes your organization unique. Is everyone welcome, regardless of background, age, or gender? Make sure to reflect that in your job ad. This helps candidates identify with your company and lowers the barrier to apply.


2. Degrees Don’t Tell the Whole Story

Many job ads have strict, and sometimes unrealistic, requirements for degrees and work experience. However, much can still be learned if the candidate has the right attitude. We’re talking about skills and character traits such as good communication, teamwork, and a proactive nature. State what you’re looking for in your job ad and focus on these traits in the recruitment process to find true talent.


3. Name the Soft Skills You Value

Soft skills are difficult to measure but are extremely important. Skills like leadership, empathy, and persuasion determine how someone interacts with colleagues, customers, and partners. This is key for sales or management positions, but less so for more technical roles. In technical positions, soft skills like creativity, curiosity, and attention to detail are more relevant. In your job ad, explicitly mention which soft skills are important for the role: the right candidates will then feel targeted.


4. Be Specific About What You Offer

Candidates want clarity about career opportunities, working hours, and salary before they apply. Yet, many job ads don’t mention these details, or the information is so vague that candidates drop off before they even finish reading the ad. Be clear about what you offer to attract potential candidates.


5. Use Inclusive Language

Don’t exclude anyone in your ad. To cast as wide a net as possible, it’s important to attract a diverse pool of candidates. Avoid terms that might exclude certain groups. Not everyone will be excited about a ping pong table or the prospect of working in a team of “young, energetic professionals.” Make it clear in your ad that everyone is welcome, regardless of age, gender, background, or disability.


6. Pay Attention to Your Writing Style

Use active language to create an engaging text. For example, instead of writing, “The candidate is expected to…,” say, “We expect you to…” This makes the ad more lively and also more inclusive. It speaks to both men and women, helping you attract more applications.


7. Test Your Job Ads

Use tools or software to write the best job ads possible. With settings in Textmetrics, you can ensure your brand identity remains consistent and recognizable in every text. Additionally, Textmetrics provides suggestions for inclusive language and SEO while writing your job ad. This way, you won’t forget anything when writing your job ad.


Would you like to try the Textmetrics Job Ad Generator? Get in touch now!

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