On page SEO is a very important element of your SEO strategy and it's definitely something you should learn to understand. Luckily it doesn't have to be so hard, because with our own Textmetrics...
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Welcome to our category archive! Here, you’ll find a curated collection of articles, resources, and insights on a wide range of topics within this category. Whether you’re seeking information, inspiration, or solutions, our archive is your go-to source. Dive in and explore the wealth of knowledge available to help you stay informed and empowered. Discover new perspectives, stay up-to-date with industry trends, and unlock valuable insights that can drive your success. Get ready to enrich your understanding and make the most of this comprehensive category archive.
How To Build a Strong Online Reputation?
Reputation is everything. Even in the offline world you can make it or break it by just small decisions that you make. With the speed of the online world this influence is even bigger, so if...
5 Greatest Benefits of SEO | by Textmetrics.
Every day, there are 3.5 billion searches done worldwide on Google. Google is the most populair search engine in the world, followed by Bing and Yahoo. Research shows that 70% are not even...
Viral Marketing For Dummies: The Key To Viral Success
We all know almost one marketing campaign that we'll never forget, because it's so genius that it's burned into your memory. It's a great experience for us as customers, if you're able to laugh, cry...
6 Most Inspiring Marketing Influencers On Twitter
Who doesn't love Twitter? Send out your thoughts in just 140 characters into the whole wide world. Give your opinion about subjects that you don't know anything about, react to someone else's false...
The 3 Best Marketing Books According To Our Own Experts
Last week, I had one of those days that you just want to sit down, log off from the world wide web and just relax. But as active as I am, I couldn't just sit down and do nothing. So, I was thinking...
How To Get High Quality Visual Content For Your Blog?
If you’re writing your own blog, whether it’s a business blog or a personal one, you probably need some visual content to support your writing. Most of the times you’ll search for photo’s and end up...
How To Start Your Own Successful Webshop?
Some people have always dreamed about becoming an entrepreneur. When they were eight, they played supermarket with their family, on the age of thirteen they sold hundreds of lemonade cups on a...
Textmetrics Runner-up #2: Founded In Holland Summer Startup Awards 2015
Founded In Holland Summer Startup Awards 2015! One month ago, our hard work paid off with a nomination for the Founded In Holland Summer Startup Awards 2015 and we're proud to announce that this...
6 Reasons Why You Should Start A Business Blog Today!
In our previous blogs we focused on how to write your blogs, how to make your website search engine optimized (SEO), how to get online success and how to map and reach your target audience. Today...
5 Most Inspiring Marketing Kings On Youtube
We're always looking for inspiring articles and infographics, to find the most useful information for you. But with the beautiful weather the last few days and the summer coming closer, we...
How to Do SEO in 2015? [Infographic]
Search engine optimization is changing all the time and every now and then it's smart to update your knowledge. Last week we shared the SEO cheat sheet from MOZ with you and today we found...
7 Simple Steps To Make Your Own Stunning Infographic
In the last year, infographics became more and more popular. By using an infographic, you can tell your story in a more visual and attractive way. But how do you create...
Textmetrics presents: Web Developer’s SEO Cheat Sheet 3.0 by MOZ
As SEO geeks, we love to hear all about the new developments in our big SEO world. And when something very useful like this SEO Cheat Sheet is published, we can't wait devour & consume the...
Founded In Holland Startup Awards 2015
Textmetrics in the picture: "Founded In Holland Summer Startup Awards 2015" In the last few months, we've been very busy with improving our Textmetrics experience & network. We added...
How to map your target audience? | Empathy map example & Personas
An overview of multiple techniques to map your target audience A few weeks ago, we wrote an article about "Writing To Reach You Target Audience". In this article, we wrote about 5 tips that you...
Effect of the Mobile Usability Update in Google Ranking
On the 21st of April this year, Google launched a new ranking factor in their search engine results. Mobile Usability became more important than ever. At least, that's what we thought. Textmetrics...
Guide for Newbies: How to build backlinks new style?
In the past, people saw link building as some kind of trick to raise their search engine ranks quickly. But this old style link building strategy is history now. Nowadays, Google bots learned...
What’s the best time to post on social media sites?
Our new Textmetrics article is inspired by a question of our own. Of course, like a lot of companies, we want to reach our audience by using social media. We would love to be able to communicate...
BREAKING NEWS: Mobile usability becomes a Google ranking factor on the 21st of April!
You might have heard it already, but tomorrow Google officially launches their new ranking factor for their search engine results. The mobile usability of your site already was a very important...
Content marketing trends in 2015
Now that April Fools is over, we can go back to the serious stuff. But serious can be nice too! It's time for our list of content marketing trend in 2015. Our personal favorite is the list by...
How to create a meaningful marketing story? [INFOGRAPHIC]
That's a question that lots of companies try to answer day after day. Some of them found the answer for their company, but that answer can't be used to answer this question in general. That's...
SEO for newbs
Nowadays it’s more of a must than a choice, using SEO on a daily base. Don’t you join this online revolution, you will feel it in your bad online results. But SEO isn’t that easy to control. Of...
Must reads for all content creators
Must reads for all content creators As a content creator, you can always become even better than you are right now. There are always points of improvement that you do or don’t see yet. One way to...