Israpil Nalgiev

Developer & Support SpecialistTextmetrics
March 2, 2022

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An augmented writing platform for a more diverse and inclusive workforce

Are the number of responses to your job ads a bit disappointing? Then there are two things you can do. You can go over the job descriptions once more and rewrite them to make them more persuasive. Or attempt to do so. Or you can choose a more science-based approach. An approach in which you use an augmented writing platform. An augmented writing platform can best be described as a technology that serves as a writing coach. It analyzes what you write and helps you choose the language proven to appeal to your target group. This is especially useful if you are striving for a more diverse and inclusive workforce. Because achieving that requires writing job ads that appeal to people of different backgrounds, genders, and ages.


A more diverse and inclusive workforce

The more inclusive your job descriptions are, the fewer people you exclude. You need this to build a more diverse and inclusive workforce. Let’s see how an augmented writing platform can contribute to more diversity and inclusiveness:

  • Gender-neutral job ads

It’s not uncommon for job ads to have a more masculine tone of voice. However, as a result, women feel less spoken to and therefore less motivated to apply. An augmented writing platform can point this out to you. It will flag that your job ad has a more masculine tone of voice. And you’ll receive suggestions to replace the masculine words with gender-neutral ones. Your job ad will be appealing to both men and women.

  • No more age bias

Job ads often exclude older people. They don’t recognize themselves in the language used. Or they are scared off because it mentions a maximum number of years of experience. Age discrimination in job ads often happens unintentionally. An augmented writing platform can spot age bias in a job ad. And it will give you suggestions on how to avoid this.


The Textmetrics augmented writing platform

You can use the Textmetrics augmented writing platform to become a more diverse and inclusive company. The platform can do all of the things we described above. It uses algorithms based on artificial intelligence to read and analyze your job ads. And it provides you with real-time suggestions for improvements. It’s the perfect writing coach for creating job ads that appeal to your entire target group. Before you know it, you’ll be receiving more valuable responses to the job ads you publish.

​​Want to know more about our Smart Writing Assistant? Click here.

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