Leontien Rutenfrans

Marketing Manager Textmetrics
January 8, 2024

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A conversation with Textmetrics Partner LUB GmbH

Creating inclusive content is not as easy as some might think, especially not when you speak and write in a gendered language like German. Exactly this linguistic and social challenge is the core business of LUB GmbH, a valued customer and business partner of Textmetrics. So what are they doing and how do they do it?


LUB GmbH – Linguistic pioneering

Mannheim based company LUB GmbH is Germany’s very first linguistic management consultancy. The company serves over 100 clients, mainly in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The team offers a range of text services and consulting on modern and inclusive language. Services are based on optimizing processes on leadership, CSR, DEI, customer care and change, through the data-based findings of language research:

— Our goal is to develop strategies for companies, universities and administrations: so that people in them can jointly achieve knowledge and innovation – fact-based and not driven by mood —


Powerhouse Simone Burel

Founder Simone Burel studied at the University of Heidelberg, the same university where famous thinkers like Hegel and Hannah Arendt gained their knowledge (philosophy and social science). Dr. Simone Burel started the company after writing her dissertation in 2015 about German-speaking companies. Dr. Burel has been awarded with many prizes: the award Founder of the Month in 2016, the award for Academics Junior Researcher of the Year in 2017, the Professional Communication award from the Society of Applied Linguistics in 2017, and let’s not forget a couple of years later her company was awarded the prestigious Start-up Award (Mannheimer Existenzgründungspreis 2018/19)


Why language as a consultancy approach?

Language structures our world. Non-gendered language can make the difference if a candidate applies or not. Imagine you were a young woman, looking for a job at NASA or the FBI. You might be worried if you could reach your full potential in these work environments. Non-gendered language in their job ads and on their websites would definitely encourage you to join their workforce and to break through the glass ceiling as a crime fighter or to shoot for the stars as an astronaut!

This is only one example of what can be done with choosing the right words to attract the right people. Inclusive texts reflect a diverse and inclusive work environment.

— We see organizations as a mass of conversations and texts that we read, structure and optimize “between the lines”. We know all the subtleties and potentials of language – scientifically and practically – and how organizations can transform themselves through it: Towards greater equity and mutual understanding —


Projects and Partners

There are always lots of projects to work at, for a lot of different customers. Dr. Christina Burel can give a lecture at a university, while other team members are analyzing data, developing strategies or reviewing the language in every document of an organization. Their main technology is brainpower, but software as a service (SaaS) is also on offer. This is of course where Textmetrics technology and services come into the picture.

— We have lots of different projects: e.g. developing a gender equality concept for a university, review job advertisements for a bank, we also give a lot of workshops for individuals as well as teams about the topics of gender-sensitive language, anti-racist communication, unconscious bias and other inclusive language —


Avoiding biases in language

We can never know if and where we have blind spots, that’s why we have to stay alert and keep educating ourselves. LUB GmbH is a unique company that offers these services with data-driven methods, so that their analyses are based on facts rather than emotions or the hype of the moment. That is why LUB GmbH integrated the Textmetrics bias-detecting software into their own workflow, leading to

  • more inclusive and unbiased texts
  • more inclusive and diverse environments
  • high performing environments
  • better team spirit
  • more innovation

Learn more about this unique linguistic company and its work on leadership, fair language and inclusion on the LUB GmbH website.

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