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The Textmetrics Newsbase covers a range of topics, including consistent communication, the influence of AI on content production, enhancing conversion rates, and the latest trends and developments in content branding, communication, and natural language processing.
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Push and pull factors: how to use job motivators
Writing a great job posting is not as easy as it might seem. You know – one that attracts the best talent. Especially in times when staff are scarce, your job ad needs to stand out from the rest. It...
Formal or informal language: which do you choose?
It’s a question we all ask ourselves when writing an article. Should the tone of voice be formal or informal? Or, in other words. Should you use longer and more complex sentences, third-person...
A company policy for ChatGPT – discover why you need one
The AI-language model ChatGPT gained millions of users in just a few months. An impressive achievement, and one that hasn’t gone unnoticed. Initially, ChatGPT was mainly used for personal tasks. But...
The 10 most Interesting facts about Google
What do you know about Google? Picture this: It all started in 1997 when two brainiac Stanford students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, unleashed their search engine masterpiece upon the world. They...
Tone of voice: what is it, and why is it so important?
How do you address your target group in written communication? It’s a seemingly simple question. But you might have trouble coming up with a clear answer. Perhaps we should be more specific. We want...
How to achieve more diversity in the workplace: five tips
How diverse is your workplace? It’s a question that’s not always easy to answer. There might be a lot of talk about diversity in your workplace. Although that’s a good start, it’s not the same as...
Four tips to get the most out of Google for Jobs
How often do you use Google to find information? Probably a lot, right? It’s the go-to search engine for most internet users. But did you know that Google is also increasingly used to search for...
Why every writer needs AI text improvement
Do you ever experience it? Hours of hard work went into it. But once you sent the text out into the world, something happened that you did not see coming... Your message did not come across at all!...
SEO and text improvement: why the two cannot exist without each other
Why is everyone always talking about the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Okay, it's free. But a good SEO strategy takes a lot of time. And time is money. We all know that. But if you...
The challenges of job market communication
... and how Textmetrics helps you get more applicants 'The number of female applicants is still too low.' 'We receive almost no responses to this job posting'. And "The ideal candidate might...
Did you hear about these AI terms yet?
…here’s your very own AI dictionary Do you know what is currently the ultimate buzzword? Right, it’s AI – artificial intelligence. Over the last few months, it’s been practically impossible...
What is machine learning?
…And how does it work? When we say machine learning. You say, ‘That has something to do with AI, right?’ And you’re correct! Don’t worry about not knowing the exact definition of machine...
ChatGPT and Textmetrics: combine the two for the best results
… why a combination of AI applications leads to the best results Have you used it yet? AI-generated content. Content created by artificial intelligence. Since the introduction of ChatGPT,...
AI as a communication assistant
... the Textmetrics smart AI software offers a simple solution to a difficult task Artificial Intelligence: there has been a lot going on lately. This is, of course, due to the arrival of...
For inclusive communication, training alone is not enough
...but fortunately there is the continuous support of Textmetrics It is important to make your communication comprehensible to as wide a group as possible. But do you already consciously take...
The importance of inclusive communication
Is your target audience all made up of exactly the same people? No, right? But do you take that into account enough in your communication to your target group? That question is probably followed by...
Communication models provide insight into communication pitfalls
What do you do with a text you have spent hours working on, but its message does not come across to the target group at all? Throw it in the bin and start again, or is there anything left to...
DEIB in today’s workplace
As you may have noticed, it’s not that easy to build a diverse and inclusive workplace. Many initiatives look good on paper but lead to disappointing results. For many organizations, reaching their...
Age bias in the hiring process: how can we prevent it?
Age bias is a persistent problem in recruitment. Older people still experience age discrimination when they are looking for a new job. They tend not to get invited to interviews as often as younger...
What is workplace diversity?
This is probably not the first time you’ve heard of workplace diversity. You might even have already formulated diversity and inclusion goals. But have you managed to reach those goals yet? Don’t be...
The 3 benefits of data-driven recruitment
Do you remember your last bad hire? How did you feel when you hired someone who wasn’t right for the job? Probably not great. For a long time, this risk was part of the job of a recruiter. We had to...
Unconscious gender bias affects all women – discover how
Gender bias is a tricky thing. Especially in recruitment, where it can lead to unfairly ignoring the best potential candidates. We’re talking about female candidates here, because gender bias mostly...
3 ways to kick off your diversity recruitment strategy
Are your job ads free of bias? So much so that you succeed in building a diverse and inclusive workforce? Then you’re doing a great job. Unfortunately, though, many companies still struggle with...
Language level B1 and CEFR
Do you receive very few responses when you post a job online? If so, this can lead to several problems. One is the very limited number of suitable candidates to choose from. Another is a lack of...
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