Leontien Rutenfrans

Marketing Manager Textmetrics
February 24, 2022

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4 ways to improve your employer branding – Part 1

Becoming a more diverse and inclusive company doesn’t happen overnight. That is something you’ve probably already realized. It takes a lot of time and effort to reach your diversity and inclusion goals. What can help you move forward is building a strong employer brand. You should try to position yourself as an employer of choice. All employees in your target group should see your company as a place they want to work. How do you build such a desirable reputation? Read on to discover four ways to improve your employer branding.


4 employer branding best practices

A strong employer brand is important for reaching your diversity and inclusion goals. You’ll receive more applications when you’re an employer of choice. But how do you build a good reputation?

  • Employer branding should be a central part of your HR strategy. Building a strong employer brand doesn’t happen overnight. You need a long-term plan. Employer branding should be a central part of your HR strategy. If you prioritize it, you can really build a good reputation.
  • Happy employees. Your employees play an important role in employer branding. They are the ones who spread the word about working at your company. Unhappy employees don’t hesitate to go public nowadays. By word of mouth or social media, negative comments can spread like wildfire. These ruin your reputation. Happy employees do the opposite. They share positive stories about your company. You need these to build a good reputation.
  • Happy candidates. Jobseekers get involved with your company during the recruitment process. They, too, can share their experiences online. So, you need to offer them a high-quality candidate experience. Keep them up to date at all times during the recruitment process. And be honest about why they didn’t get the job.
  • Storytelling. Potential candidates should be able to connect with your brand. Storytelling is a powerful tool to achieve this. Use videos, blog posts and social media to share the success stories of your employees. And showcase why your organization is such a great place to work.


Improve your employer branding using Textmetrics

Above, we’ve listed four ways to improve your employer branding. In part two of this blog post, we’ll share some more ways with you. In the meantime, you can use the Textmetrics platform to work on your employer brand. Because building a strong employer brand requires work on all your written communication. The platform analyzes what you write, ensuring all your written content aligns with your brand identity implementation and strengthens your employer brand. And our augmented assistant provides you with real-time suggestions when you deviate too far from your brand identity. As a result, all of your written content will be consistent with your employer brand.

Want to know more about our Smart Writing Assistant? Click here.

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