January 19, 2021

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Capterra names Textmetrics 3rd best Dutch software product

The Netherlands is well represented in the software world. Besides many Forbes-2000 companies like Cisco, Oracle, Google, Microsoft and Huawei that are based in this country, there are also many software companies with Dutch roots. Of these companies listed on Capterra, made in NL, we highlight ten that stand out according to user ratings. Dutch software sector is well represented The Dutch software sector is a driving force for the country’s economy and contributes about 3% to the GNP. The number of software companies in this country is large—about 27,000 according to research by ABNAMRO. Dutch software vendors are also well represented on our site. That is why Capterra decided to investigate which Dutch software products on our site are best rated by business users. To be considered for this list the product had to meet the following requirements:

  • The software was developed in the Netherlands;
  • The head office is located in the Netherlands;
  • The software product has a minimum of twenty reviews that are no older than two years;
  • The product has a minimum score of four out of five stars.

Of all the candidates that meet the above criteria, we have highlighted the ten software products that have the best overall score (find the full methodology at the bottom of the article). The overall score is the overall rating of the product. 10 best Dutch software products according to users (in alphabetical order)

  1. Channable
  2. Easygenerator
  3. Easy LMS
  4. Momoyoga
  5. Signrequest
  6. Textmetrics
  7. Topdesk
  8. Webinargeek
  9. Wetransfer
  10. Your Porter App

The table above shows the overall score per product, and below this you can find the scores for more specific aspects, such as ease of use, customer service, features and value for money.

  1. Channable
  • Software: data feed management and SEA automation
  • Founders: Rob van Nuenen, Robert Kreuzer, Stefan Hospes
  • Since: 2014
  • Headquarters: Utrecht
  • Best for: Marketers, website owners and digital recruitment agencies.

Channable is an all-in-one online marketing tool for companies that sell products or services online. On the one hand, the tool can be used to make products more visible and findable by advertising on comparison sites and affiliate networks, and, on the other hand, to sell products on marketplaces like Bol.com, Google Shopping, Marktplaats, Amazon or Ebay. All ads are managed from one central place, the Datafeed Manager. Product information is loaded via a datafeed, plug-in or API and can then be optimized using rules. The tool makes sure that the format of every export you send to a sales channel meets all the feed specifications of that channel, and all changes you make in Channable are automatically implemented. Channable also allows you to advertise on search engines like Google or Bing and generate dynamic ads based on the items in your data feed. Channable now has over 3000 customers worldwide including big names such as Samsung, Ikea, Vodafone, Otto, Tui and Lidl. As of January, the company also operates in the US where it has also started a pay-per-click (PPC) price extension. The tool is cloud-based and delivered as a service (SaaS). A free trial version is available. The subscription price starts at €29 per month for 500 items and 3 channels.   

  1. EasyGenerator
  • Software: cloud-based software for creating courses and e-learnings
  • Founders: Easygenerator is part of ISM eGroup, founded by Karel van der Woude and Jan Kees de Jager
  • Since: 2013
  • Headquarters: Rotterdam, in the Van Nelle Factory
  • Best for: Companies, educational institutions, governments, non-profit organizations

Easygenerator is an e-learning authoring tool, or more specifically, a tool that allows organizations to create learning content in the form of digital interactive courses. It can be used to create courses by using available content blocks, interactive question types and templates that can be customized to your organization’s corporate identity. All content can be sent directly from the tool to the learning management system (LMS) (which works with SCORM). But also without LMS the content can be published and shared and the results of participants can be tracked. Easygenerator has over 1000 customers including T-mobile, Kellogg’s, Siemens, Walmart and Drake University. There is a free 14-day trial with access to all features. Prices for a Pro subscription start at $99 per month for 1 author, 15 courses, 250 learners.

  1. EasyLMS
  • Software: Online learning management system (LMS)
  • Founders: Job Kelderman, Jeroen Guldemond and Jan Thij Bakker
  • Since: 2011
  • Headquarters: Delft
  • Best for: organizations of all sizes

Easy LMS is also a tool for creating training courses for students or employees, for example for the onboarding or training of teams. This tool offers solutions for course building as well as for student examination and certification. This can all be done in the style of the organization, with custom fonts, logos and colors, including the emails sent from the system. The tool offers the ability to manage large amounts of learning materials and assign them to groups. Employers can use it to set up learning paths with content to be completed in a specific order. A personal dashboard gives each employee access to their own learning materials, learning path, exams and results. The interface is available in 24 languages. Easy LMS has more than a million users in over 130 countries. The company’s customers include Heineken, Unilever, Toyota and Allianz. There is a free trial for 7 days, prices start at €45 per month for 25,000 participant sessions. 

  1. Momoyoga
  • Software: Yoga studio software
  • Founders: Joost Gielen, Ingo Oszkinat
  • Since: 2014
  • Head office: Tilburg
  • Best for: yoga studios and yoga instructors

Momoyoga is management software developed specifically for yoga studios and yoga instructors. This niche product aims to take away administrative processes from entrepreneurs and yoga instructors, so they can spend more time preparing and teaching yoga classes. Momoyoga offers the possibility to create an online class schedule, set up payment methods and invoice through one online environment. Yoga students can book and pay for their classes online from any computer, tablet or smartphone (also through an app). The tool can be linked to the studio’s website so that the class schedule (available in eight languages) is shown on the website. Over 600 Dutch yoga studios and 3,200 yoga teachers have already used the software, which is now also being used in Australia, Japan and the United Kingdom. There is a free trial period of 30 days, after that it costs €20 per month, per independent yoga teacher and €25 per month, per yoga studio. 

  1. Signrequest
  • Software: Digital signature software
  • Founder: Geert Jan Persoon
  • Since: 2014
  • Headquarters: Amsterdam
  • Best for: independent professionals, SMEs and corporates

Signrequest offers online signature software for contracts and (legally binding) documents, something which was suddenly very relevant for many organizations during the corona crisis. With SignRequest, it is possible to share documents and then (have them) signed electronically, without having to print, manually sign and scan them again. The goal of Signrequest is to make e-signing as easy as sending an email, and contribute to a digital and paperless society. Signrequest therefore plants a tree for every paid license. The software is used by over 3.5 million users and is available in 17 languages. Customers include Dance4Live, Oaky, Teamleader, TNW and Meetin. Signrequest’s Servers are located in Europe. A free version is available for 10 documents per month for an unlimited period of time. Subscription prices start at €7 per month per user.

  1. Textmetrics
  • Software: SEO software, Augmented Writing, Recruitment software
  • Founders: Marcel Leeman and Kyrill Poelmans
  • Since: 2014
  • Headquarters: Arnhem
  • Best for: Companies of all sizes engaged in marketing, human resource management, customer service, and more

Textmetrics came up with a software program that can enrich text using artificial intelligence. An AI-driven algorithm first analyzes the text and lexicon, then the augmented writing environment determines which improvements can be made to the text. The style and identity of the organization are taken into account in this process. Among other things, it can also be applied to achieve diversity and inclusion goals. The tool also contributes to writing SEO-friendly texts, resulting in better findability and higher conversion. The software is therefore especially suited for the recruitment and marketing industry. Major Textmetrics customers include ING, Accenture, Allianz, Randstad and Independer. The tool can be used as a stand-alone online app but also works with plug-ins for WordPress, Word, Drupal, Joomla and Microsoft Outlook, among others, so that users can optimize their content directly in their preferred program. The user interface is available in Dutch, English and German. Price is on request depending on the size of the organization and degree of use.

  1. Topdesk
  • Software: Service management software: IT service software and facility management software 
  • Founders: Frank Droogsma and Wolter Smit
  • Since: 1997
  • Head office: Delft
  • Best for: For companies of all sizes 

Topdesk is a cloud-based solution for service desks or help desks that supports service departments such as IT, HR and facilities departments. The tool can bring together different service teams on a single platform for better collaboration and customer support. It is a modular system, with special features for both IT service management and facility management. The tool is intended for both customers and agents. For example, it helps IT teams to handle complaints, share knowledge and solve problems. It offers features for scheduling and managing complaints, and assigning incidents within the IT team via Kanban and scheduling boards that track IT team availability and workload. For customers, Topdesk provides a single point of service, even if they are dealing with different departments. There is a Self-Service Portal where customers can submit their own requests and find answers to frequently asked questions – without the need for an agent. The company has over 800 employees and boasts 16 offices in 11 countries. The 4,500 organizations that use the software include the national government, the Technical University of Delft, the University of Edinburgh and Royal Flora Holland. Prices are on request and depend on the required features.

  1. WebinarGeek
  • Software: Webinar software
  • Founder: Remco Treuren
  • Since: 2015
  • Headquarters: Zoetermeer
  • Best for: For companies of all sizes 

Webinars, yet another winner of the past year. What would we have done without them! The Dutch WebinarGeek is a tool to organize and host (paid) webinars with up to 4000 participants for marketing strategies, product demos and educational purposes. The tool can be used for real-time interactive online presentations in HD+ quality, pre-recorded broadcasts, on-demand webinars, hybrid and recorded webinars. Webinargeek achieves interactivity by offering the possibility to organize polls, launch quizzes or tests, incorporate calls-to-action, all kinds of possibilities to capture the participants’ attention and bring the event to life.  The tool is available from every browser without any downloads and offers the possibility to make analyses about participant viewing behavior to get to know the target group. WebinarGeek is GDPR compliant and can be customized to your own corporate identity. Well-known customers include Roc of Amsterdam-Flevoland, Afas, Houtsma and Autorespond. WebinarGeek has a free 14-day trial with all premium features. Subscription starts at €12 per month for 25 live viewers and 50 GB of bandwidth.

  1. WeTransfer
  • Software: File sharing software
  • Founders: Bas Beerens, Rinke Visser, Nalden
  • Since: 2009
  • Headquarters: Amsterdam
  • Best for: For companies of all sizes 

WeTransfer is a cloud-based platform for sharing large files, or as WeTransfer prefers to say, for sharing big ideas for more impact. In addition to file sharing, WeTransfer’s focus therefore lies on creativity, and its Paste, Collect and Paper tools complete the set with solutions for presenting, collecting and designing creative ideas. WeTransfer is simply used with drag-and-drop, no zip file is involved. Documents can be additionally protected with a password, and if you have sent the wrong file there is the possibility to delete it after sending. The paid version offers 1TB of storage space so you can decide for yourself how long the documents to be shared will remain available. This Pro version costs €12 per month and you can send files up to 20GB to a maximum of 50 people. You also get your own website with a customized WeTransfer URL. A free version without storage is also available, allowing you to send files of up to 2GB to up to 10 people, that will remain available for up to 7 days.

  1. Your Porter App
  • Software: Vacation home reservation system
  • Founders: Erinc Arik
  • Since: 2016
  • Headquarters: The Hague
  • Best for: Managers of multiple properties and accounts on different platforms 

Your Porter App is a mobile app for professional hosts on platforms like Airbnb, HomeAway/VRBO, Expedia, TripAdvisor and Wimdu. It allows you to manage multiple properties and accounts on different platforms via the iOS, Android and web apps. Other features include the combined inbox from which all guest messages can be managed from any channel in a single place. Communication with customers can be done through automated messages and auto-replies. The multi-calendar shows all reservations on one calendar, which can be shared with the cleaning crew or other third parties. Rates and availability on multiple platforms are customizable from within the app and you can also use it to calculate your commission and view reports on bookings. Your Porter App offers a 21-day free trial. Subscription starts at around €7.40 per month. So that’s it, the ten best Dutch software products according to business users. Reviews about software and apps play an increasingly important role in consumers’ buying decisions. This year the number of reviews written about software and apps has increased significantly, according to our research. Last year, 7% of the Dutch consumers surveyed said they had reviewed a software product or app. This year that number has increased to 15%. With the acceleration of digitalization, the need to read the experiences of other business users will continue to be a useful tool in making the right software choice. Methodology This top 10 was created based on the reviews of business users, both Dutch and foreign, about the Dutch software products on our site. To qualify for the list, the software must:

  • be developed in the Netherlands;
  • have its headquarters in the Netherlands.

Next, the candidates had to:

  • have a minimum of 20 reviews;
  • the reviews could not be older than 2 years to ensure that the score is actually representative. 

From all the remaining candidates, we then selected the 10 best rated. By best rated we mean:

  • The software products that have the highest overall score, rounded to two decimal places. The total score is the overall rating of the product. 
  • In case of an equal total score, we selected as a second criterion the average score of ease of use, customer service, features and value for money.

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