March 18, 2021

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How SEO job descriptions can help you reach your diversity and inclusion goals

The findability of your company’s job descriptions is extremely important if you want to reach as many potential applicants as possible. And that is what you should strive for if your company has set ambitious diversity and inclusion goals. SEO job descriptions play an important role here. They are optimized for search engines, making them easy to find for all potential candidates. SEO is short for search engine optimization, an inbound marketing method that makes your content—in this case, job descriptions—findable and trackable for search engines. But how do you optimize your job descriptions for SEO? We’ll tell you all about it. 

3 steps to optimize your job descriptions for SEO

To get your job descriptions on the radar of more potential candidates, and by doing so reach a more diverse group of applicants, there are 3 steps you should consider for SEO optimization. For SEO job descriptions, you should:

  • Choose the right keywords 

Don’t give your job descriptions complex names that no one searches for online. Instead, think about the profile of your ideal candidate. What will this person search for online when looking for a new job? The answer is the keyword you should optimize your job description for. Don’t forget to include the location of your company’s office either. People often include the name of their target city or region in their search terms.

  • Avoid keyword stuffing

Once you have determined what keywords potential candidates search for, you should use them throughout your job description. Be careful not to stuff it with keywords, though. Two to three mentions per keyword, with some variation, is enough. Don’t use too many different keywords either. Four to five per job description is plenty. And remember that your main keyword should always appear in your page title, page description, title, subtitle and the first paragraph.  

  • Share your job descriptions on social media

Sharing your job descriptions on social media generates immediate traffic. And if others share your job descriptions on their social media profiles, the search engines will also increase your search rank. Don’t forget to add attractive visual elements when sharing your job descriptions on social media. This will increase the chances that your post is viewed and shared by potential candidates. 

SEO job descriptions with the help of Textmetrics  

There is a lot to consider when you need to write SEO job descriptions. The three steps we outlined are useful guidelines to start with, but in practice, it can be quite difficult to have perfectly optimized job descriptions. Luckily, the Textmetrics platform can help you out here. Based on artificial intelligence, our platform analyzes your job descriptions for SEO and provides you with real-time suggestions for improvements. It also informs you about the findability of your job description on Google for Jobs, which lists the jobs that are most relevant for job seekers within Google Search. If you manage to get your job description at the top of the list here, you can reach a large group of potential candidates.

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